Monday, April 27, 2009


I read the forums fairly often, as well as several sites and blogs and I keep seeing articles questioning if Ulduar is hard enough. Obviously, this question is very subjective and depends on the type of player one is and the type of guild that player is in.

However, to answer the question of its difficulty level, I have to emphatically say that it is definitely hard enough.

Now don’t get me wrong, when I discuss difficulty I am only referring to hard mode. Blizzard has stated that they want everyone to see the content so it seems they made normal mode to allow anyone who can step out of fire to beat the instance and created hard modes for people who play this game for the challenge of beating hard bosses.

The days of asking if someone killed a boss to gauge their effectiveness as a raider would appear over, now the question is, did the player kill them on hard mode. Very similar, to Did you kill Sarth 3d (Because that is his new name now).

These articles keep mentioning these guilds that have beat hard modes. SO WHAT? A few guilds beating hard mode doesn’t prove anything about hard mode, just means that those guilds are very good at what they do. Statistically they are what are called outliers. Look at, if you click on a specific hard mode then click world, it tells you the percentage of guilds that have gotten the achievement.

Hard Mode
1) Leviathan- 5 Guilds----------- .01%
2) Deconstructor- 0 Guilds------ 0%
3) Assembly of Iron- 1 Guild--- 0%
4) Mimiron- 0 Guilds------------ 0%
5) Freya- 3 Guilds---------------- 0%
6) Thorim- 19Guilds------------- .04%
7) Hodir- 2 Guilds---------------- 0%
8) General Vezax- 1 Guild------ 0%
9) Yogg-Saron- 0 Guilds-------- 0%

So with not one boss killed by more then .04% of guilds, why is this question even being asked? Stop wondering about these questions and go raid. I am reminded of a blue post that was written a week or so ago, when a person was complaining that many guilds (not his) have beaten Ulduar, Eyonix said

“Amazing. You have nothing to do now that people that aren't you have cleared Ulduar” (Obviously not referring to hard modes)

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